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Errotica Archives

There are 307 movies on ErroticaArchives of delectable hotties posing, teasing and generally keeping the sexual tension as high as possible, all while staying demure and elegant. You'll find some videos that last under three minutes, but most are six minutes or longer. Everything here is softcore as the aim is to highlight the models' stunning figures.

Most movies have some combination of the following file formats: Windows Media, QuickTime and DivX-encoded AVI and all of them present you with high-def footage. They also have high-quality MP4 files that you can enjoy on your various mobile devices. They update every day of the week, with pictures being posted from Monday to Saturday. The new videos arrive on Sundays, so you can end your weekends by watching some stunning footage of some equally stunning women.
The production values are really spectacular. Many of the scenes have a serene quality that matches the almost unnatural beauty many of these women posses. One scene I watched features a gorgeous European babe posing on the beach of an island paradise. With the sound of the waves crashing and the wind blowing casually, she bends and poses in a variety of positions. Taken all together and you're swept up in the excitement of it all.

There are something like 75 photos in each of the more than 1,970 picture galleries. At their largest, you're looking at super high-res images that are every bit as gorgeous as the women posing. They emphasize the beauty of the female form, like the curve along a breast or the smoothness of a backside. Zip files are available, but only in the largest size. Slideshows are also available, so you can enjoy some hands-free viewing.

This site is largely sensational. If you're looking for professional-quality content, lot of choice and daily updates, then Errotica Archives is the site for you.


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